Get tips, helpful insights, and take a behind-the-scenes look at our therapy practice.
EMDR Intensives at REM Therapy
Ok, this one I’m pretty excited for. This new offering, that will be launched within the month - I think has the opportunity to truly revolutionize how people think of and experience therapy.
REM Therapy is FINALLY on Instagram
After six years of being an EMDR therapist, I finally did it - I started an Instagram account (@theremtherapist). I think I held off for so long because 1) I didn’t think people would be looking for a therapist on social media… that’s what Google search is for, right?, and 2) I didn’t want to make an account and not have it contribute to the therapy world in some good way.
EMDR Consultations at REM Therapy
But… back to the title of this post - I’m really excited to announce that we are now offering EMDR clinical consultations at REM Therapy Services, and our webpage dedicated to this service is now LIVE. Please check it out in our drop-down menu!
A Chat with Tealinn
I had a chat with business strategist and personal branding coach, Stephany Lau, about mental health in the workplace, and when coaching might be helpful.
Exploring Therapy: Brainspotting
I’m excited to talk about this type of therapy today. It’s a lesser-known type of psychotherapy, but it’s certainly starting to make headlines in the mental health field.
Exploring Therapy: Humanistic
Humanistic Therapy is a counselling approach that I think most people can get behind. This type of therapy draws from humanistic psychology – You know, Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs stuff!
Exploring Therapy: Psychoanalysis
It’s highly likely you’ve heard of the term ‘psychoanalysis.’ Think of your high school APS class, or that elective psychology course you took in your first year of college or university. Psychoanalytic theory was, of course, founded by the very famous Sigmund Freud in the 1800’s…
Exploring Therapy: Interpersonal Psychotherapy
IFT is a form of therapy that treats mental health symptoms by improving a client’s relationships. IFT is often used to treat clients with history of depression, anxiety, eating disorders, and mood disorders…
Exploring Therapy: Emotion-Focused
Emotion-focused Therapy (EFT), not to be confused with the Emotional Freedom Technique (which also uses the EFT abbreviation), is a strong, experiential approach to couples counselling and mental health treatment…
Exploring Therapy: Acceptance & Commitment
Mindfulness: “A mental state achieved by focusing one’s awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one’s feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations, used as a therapeutic technique.” (Oxford Languages, 2021).
Today in our Exploring Therapy series we’ll be providing a broad overview of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT).
Exploring Therapy: Dialectical Behavioural
We’re continuing our Exploring Therapy series and talking about Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT) today.
Exploring Therapy: Cognitive Behavioural
When you consider starting therapy, it can often be a daunting process. There’s just so much information, you’re spoiled for choice for therapy styles, plus hundreds of local practitioners for you to sift through, in order to hopefully find someone good, who can help you with your problem…
Happy Social Work Week 2021!
For those who might not have known, it’s Social Work Week right now – An annual celebration of the profession that happens in March, all across Canada. This year’s theme is #YouAreNotAlone, which really resonates with me.
A Take on Teletherapy
It doesn’t need to be said that COVID has changed so much of our lives. At BEST, it feels like life is put on pause…
So, what’s teletherapy like compared to therapy done in-person?
An Introduction
Welcome to the REM Therapy Services blog! We’re excited to finally launch our website, and today I thought I’d talk a bit more about who I am, why I started REM Therapy, and what I hope to accomplish with this blog.